Thank you, love.
Thank you, love, for waking me from my slumber.
Thank you, love, for burning away the impurities that plagued my mind.
Thank you, love, for allowing me to fall.
Thank you, love, for supporting me as I pick up the pieces.
Thank you, love, for being my biggest fan.
Thank you, love, for being my best friend.
Thank you, love, for reminding me of who I am.
Thank you, love, for being the perfect mirror.
Thank you, love, for being perfectly imperfect.
Thank you, love, for accepting me, as me, for all of me.
Thank you, love, for always seeking yourself.
Thank you, love, for showing up raw and real.
Thank you, love, for allowing the space to deepen into my truth.
Thank you, love, for honoring your space to be the Goddess, the beloved, the source-ress, the Womb, the liberated spirit of creation, the angel on earth and simply you.
Thank you, love, for all you give.
Thank you, love, for providing the opening for the inner exploration of forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, adornment and commitment.
Thank you, love, for breathing me as I breathe you.
Thank you, love, for growing my competency to tune into the subtler energies of my Self.
Thank you, love, for being the life force, the inspiration, the essence and catalyst of my evolution.
Thank you, love, for deeply listening.
Thank you, love, for reminding me to slow down enough to appreciate the sweet nectar of the present moment.
Thank you, love, for trusting me again and again as I rise to be that which I know to be true.
Thank you, love, for never giving up.
Thank you, love, for loving anyways.
Thank you, love, for allowing me to be an instrument of your truth.
Thank you, love, for the memories we’ve yet to create.
Thank you, love, for choosing me.
Thank you, love.
Thank you.
